How To Sedu Long Hair

How To Sedu Long Hair - Latest Summer Fall 2009 Hairstyles

Growing long hair can sometimes be a frustrating event for most individuals with the time it takes to grow and the amount of care needed. However, with a revolutionary hair accessory known as the Sedu Hair Iron, the task has become so much easier.

Long Sedu Hair

Sedu needs no introduction for those of you who are style and fashion conscious. It is great to give you the straight and flat hair that you have been dreaming of. Sedu hair can be worn in all sorts of styles and varying lengths. Today, we will look at how to sedu long hair. Although I mentioned in the above paragraphs that sedu is often used to get straight and flat hair, it can be used in a variety of ways; sedu waves, sedu curls and sedu flick-ups. With its variety of different plate sizes, the options are aplenty.
For those of you who have very wavy, curly, thick or long (shoulder length onwards) hair, I would recommend using the Sedu 1 ½ inch flat iron. If you have short or medium hair, the plates would be different. To sedu your long hair, put about 2 inches section of your hair in between the sedu plates. Shut the iron by squeezing the handle and slowly guide it through your hair. Work from the roots all the way to the tip. Do this with the entire hair section and there you have it. Yes, it's as simple as that!

You would have witnessed yourself from the above just how simple it is to sedu your long hair.

Picture By Stefie Jones